Happy New Year

Wow!  We are blessed to see another year.  How exciting!  As business owners, hopefully we had made or are in the process of making plans to grow and develop our bushiness in 2013.

So what are you doing to do?  What’s your plan?  Where do you want to take your company this year? Are you going to get additional training, improve the branding of your product/service or update your technology?

As publisher of OhioMBE, I am striving to produce the BEST minority business publication in Ohio.  I want to provide important information so minority businesses owners can develop and stimulate our community’s economy.  I want to advocate for minority businesses.  I don’t see many friends of MBEs.  I see government entities professing to want to do business with MBEs on one hand but then make the certification and bidding processes difficult on the other hand.

OhioMBE also wants to promote Ohio’s minority businesses.  Send me an message of potential businesses to profile.  Drop me a note highlighting the accomplishments of your company.


